⇓ |
atk⇓ |
mgk⇓ |
evd⇓ |
MP⇓ |
element⇓ |
bonus⇓ |
Ancient Sword |
35 |
Petrify |
Bastard Sword |
75 |
Blood Sword |
41 |
Sap |
- acquire
- Steal from Seeker
- Dropped by Seeker
- bazaar
- Crimson Blade (4,500 gil)
- Dark Stone x5
- Glass Jewel x2
- Solid Stone x2
Broadsword |
15 |
- acquire
- Steal from Cactite
- Steal from Cactoid
- Dropped by Sleipner
Claymore (2H) |
82 |
10 |
- acquire
- Poach from Spee
Deathbringer |
90 |
KO |
- acquire
- Treasure at The Feywood / The Edge of Reason
- Steal from Ithuno
- bazaar
- The Leering Blade (14,800 gil)
- Dark Crystal x10
- Demon Tail x7
- Solid Horn x4
Defender (2H) |
91 |
35 |
- acquire
- Dropped by Leynir
Demonsbane |
59 |
- acquire
- Treasure at Tomb of the Raithwall
- Dropped by Yeti
Diamond Sword |
80 |
- bazaar
- Warped Blade (11,250 gil)
- Bundle of Feathers x6
- Fire Magicite x6
- Maggoty Flesh x4
Durandal |
99 |
- bazaar
- Well-forged Blade (21,600 gil)
- Emperor Scale x2
- Leshach Halcyon
- Lifewick x3
Excalibur (2H) |
128 |
10 |
Holy |
- acquire
- Treasure at Great Crystal
Flametongue |
53 |
Fire |
- acquire
- Poach from Jelly
- bazaar
- Burning Blade (4,680 gil)
- Fire Stone x6
- Lumber x2
- Malboro Vine x2
Icebrand |
60 |
Ice |
- acquire
- Hunt reward for For Whom the Wyrm Trolls
Iron Sword |
24 |
- acquire
- Steal from Mimic
- Steal from Seeker
- Dropped by Razorfin
- bazaar
- Iron-forged Blade (1,080 gil)
- Earth Stone x3
- Foul Flesh x2
- Iron Scraps x3
Lohengrin |
47 |
- acquire
- Steal from Twintania
Longsword |
19 |
Mythril Blade |
22 |
- acquire
- Initally equipped on Basch
Mythril Sword |
13 |
- acquire
- Initially equipped on Vaan
Platinum Sword |
70 |
- acquire
- Dropped by Mandragora
Ragnarok (2H) |
109 |
10 |
Immobilize |
- acquire
- Hunt reward for Fishy Dreams (Rank VII)
Runeblade |
85 |
- acquire
- Dropped by Babil
Save The Queen (2H) |
100 |
10 |
- acquire
- Hunt reward for The Creature Collector (Rank VIII)
- Dropped by Velelu
- bazaar
- Attenuated Greatsword (14,000 gil)
- Holy Crystal x10
- Quality Stone x4
- Sky Jewel x7
Stoneblade |
95 |
- acquire
- Treasure at Great Crystal
- bazaar
- Darksteel Blade (17,800 gil)
- Chimera Head x2
- Orichalcum x2
- Taurus Gem x3
Sword Of Kings (2H) |
30 |
30 |
- acquire
- The Stilshrine Of Miriam
Tournesol (2H) |
140 |
25 |
- bazaar
- The Sunflower (600,000 gil)
- Empyreal Soul x3
- Gemsteel x3
- Serpentarius x3
Treaty Blade (2H) |
30 |
30 |
- acquire
- The Great Crystal
Ultima Blade (2H) |
118 |
10 |
- acquire
- Treasure at Pharos Penubra]]
- bazaar
- Ultimate Blade (22,800 gil)
- Adamantite x2
- Death Powder x2
- Gnoma Halcyon
Wyrmhero Blade (2H) |
130 |
50 |
Holy |
- bazaar
- Dragon Crest (65,535 gil)
- Godslayer's Badge
- Lu Shang's Badge
- Omega Badge
Zwill Blade |
29 |
⇓ |
atk⇓ |
mgk⇓ |
evd⇓ |
MP⇓ |
element⇓ |
bonus⇓ |
Dragon Whisker (2H) |
91 |
8 |
- acquire
- Treasure at Cerobi Steppe; Treasure at Pharos
Gungnir (2H) |
84 |
8 |
Fire |
- acquire
- Dropped by Bune
- Dropped by Evil Spirit
- bazaar
- Engraved Spear (15,300 gil)
- Broken Spear x2
- Ketu Board x2
- Mystletainn x2
Halberd (2H) |
66 |
8 |
Heavy Lance (2H) |
48 |
8 |
Slow |
- acquire
- Dropped by Fideliant
Holy Lance (2H) |
78 |
8 |
Holy |
- acquire
- Treasure at The Great Crystal / Trahk Jilaam Praa'dii
- Poach from Gizamaluk
Javelin (2H) |
30 |
8 |
- bazaar
- Light Spear (1,260 gil)
- Foul Flesh x2
- Horn x2
- Wind Stone x3
Obelisk (2H) |
60 |
8 |
- acquire
- Dropped by Anchag
Partisan (2H) |
42 |
8 |
Spear (2H) |
36 |
8 |
Storm Spear (2H) |
54 |
8 |
Thunder |
Trident (2H) |
72 |
8 |
Ice |
- acquire
- Steal from Bangaa
- bazaar
- Forked Spear (11,250 gil)
- Maggoty Flesh x5
- Pointed Horn x4
- Wind Magicite x6
Zodiac Spear (2H) |
150 |
8 |
- acquire
- At the Necrohol of Nabudis only if the four treasure chests remain unopen: 1) Lowtown, outside of Old Dalan`s place 2) When sneaking into the palace there are several chests in the Cellar. Do not open the two chests in the southeast corner. 3) All treasure chests in the Confiscatory (the place where you get your weapons and armor back after being captured) 4) In the Phon Coast, there is an island with 16 chests all near each other; the fourth chest is among them.
⇓ |
atk⇓ |
mgk⇓ |
evd⇓ |
MP⇓ |
element⇓ |
bonus⇓ |
Bowgun (2H) |
40 |
Crossbow (2H) |
46 |
- acquire
- Steal from White Wolf
- bazaar
- Ranger's Crossbow (6,480 gil)
- Crooked Fang x4
- Ice Stone
- Yellow Liquid x2
Gastrophetes (2H) |
76 |
- acquire
- Steal from Pallicant
Hunting Crossbow (2H) |
64 |
- acquire
- Steal from Tarasque
- bazaar
- Blindfight Quarrels (11,220 gil)
- Dark Crystal x3
- Silver Liquid x3
- Spiral Incisor x3
Paramina Crossbow (2H) |
52 |
- acquire
- Steal from Ghast
Penetrator Crossbow (2H) |
70 |
- bazaar
- Scout's Crossbow (17,800 gil)
- Ancient Bone x3
- Holy Crystal x9
- Wyvern Fang x4
Recurve Crossbow (2H) |
58 |
- acquire
- Treasure at Phon Coast / Limatra Hills
- Steal from Balloon
- bazaar
- Huntman's Crossbow (9,980 gil)
- Bundle of Needles
- Festering Flesh x2
- Ice Magicite x5
⇓ |
atk⇓ |
mgk⇓ |
evd⇓ |
MP⇓ |
element⇓ |
bonus⇓ |
Rod Of Faith (2H) |
24 |
3 |
6 |
35 |
Faith |
- acquire
- At Mt. Bur-Omisace after completing Mist Hunt (Rank VII)
Holy Rod (2H) |
53 |
2 |
6 |
30 |
Holy |
- acquire
- Treasure in Pharos
Empyrean Rod (2H) |
50 |
2 |
6 |
20 |
- acquire
- Steal from Apsara
Gaia Rod (2H) |
38 |
2 |
6 |
16 |
Earth |
Power Rod (2H) |
44 |
3 |
6 |
15 |
- acquire
- Dropped by Focalor
Healing Rod (2H) |
13 |
3 |
6 |
12 |
Regen |
- acquire
- Poach from Wild Onion
Serpent Rod (2H) |
34 |
2 |
6 |
10 |
Ice |
- acquire
- Dropped by Viper
Rod (2H) |
30 |
1 |
6 |
5 |
- acquire
- Dropped by Zu
⇓ |
atk⇓ |
mgk⇓ |
evd⇓ |
MP⇓ |
element⇓ |
bonus⇓ |
Aldebaran (2H) |
30 |
10 |
- bazaar
- Mudslinger (9,080 gil)
- Earth Crystal x3
- Ichthon Scale x4
- Silver Liquid x3
Altair (2H) |
6 |
10 |
- acquire
- Initially equipped on Balthier
Antares (2H) |
39 |
10 |
Arcturus (2H) |
44 |
10 |
- bazaar
- Late-model Rifle (19,800 gil)
- Salamand Halcyon
- Wyvern Wing x2
- Yensa Fin x2
Betelgeuse (2H) |
22 |
10 |
- acquire
- Dropped by Barmuu
Capella (2H) |
10 |
10 |
- bazaar
- Marksman's Delight (1,680 gil)
- Dark Stone x3
- Fish Scale x2
- Green Liquid
Fomalhaut (2H) |
50 |
10 |
- acquire
- Treasure at Cerobi Steppe
Ras Algethi (2H) |
26 |
10 |
- acquire
- Poach from Pyllo
Sirius (2H) |
18 |
10 |
- acquire
- Steal from Wooly Gator
Spica (2H) |
34 |
10 |
- bazaar
- Armor-piercing Shot (15,200 gil)
- Ring Wyrm Scale x4
- Silver Liquid x5
- Wind Crystal x7
Vega (2H) |
14 |
10 |
- acquire
- Dropped by Axebeak
- bazaar
- Rain of Tears (2,980 gil)
- Green Liquid x3
- Water Stone x5
- Yensa Scale x2
⇓ |
atk⇓ |
mgk⇓ |
evd⇓ |
MP⇓ |
element⇓ |
bonus⇓ |
Arc Scale |
10 |
25 |
Shell |
Caliper |
26 |
25 |
Haste |
Cross Scale |
20 |
25 |
Vanish |
Euclid`s Sextant |
35 |
25 |
Bubble |
- acquire
- Hunt reward for A Wild Stench (Rank VI)
Gilt Measure |
5 |
25 |
Protect |
- acquire
- Dropped by Gargoyle
Multiscale |
15 |
25 |
Bravery |
- acquire
- Steal from Bagoly
⇓ |
atk⇓ |
mgk⇓ |
evd⇓ |
MP⇓ |
element⇓ |
bonus⇓ |
Avenger |
52 |
5 |
Berserk |
Chopper |
31 |
5 |
Sap |
Dagger |
14 |
5 |
Danjuro |
80 |
- acquire
- Dropped by Larva Eater
Gladius |
45 |
5 |
Wind |
Mage Masher |
19 |
5 |
KO |
Main Gauche |
38 |
34 |
- acquire
- Treasure at Giza Plains, Toam Hills section, during The Rains
- Poach from Lesser Chimera
Orichalcum Dirk |
59 |
5 |
Slow |
Platinum Dagger |
66 |
5 |
Immobilize |
- acquire
- After events at Giruvegan, receive as a gift from the Garif Herder in Jahara for speaking with the cocatrice
- Dropped by Shambling Corpse
Zwill Crossblade |
73 |
5 |
Wind |
- acquire
- Steal from Deathclaw
- Dropped by Vampyr
- bazaar
- Double-bladed Knife (13,800 gil)
- Malboro Flower x7
- Wind Crystal x9
- Windslicer Pinion x5
⇓ |
atk⇓ |
mgk⇓ |
evd⇓ |
MP⇓ |
element⇓ |
bonus⇓ |
Ashura (2H) |
51 |
20 |
Dark |
- acquire
- Poach from Aeros
Iga Blade (2H) |
67 |
20 |
Dark |
- acquire
- Treasure at Sochen Cave Palace
Kagenui (2H) |
62 |
20 |
Dark |
Slow |
- bazaar
- Jag-tooth Ninja Sword (9,000 gil)
- Dark Magicite x5
- Festering Flesh x4
- Giant Feather x5
Koga Blade (2H) |
67 |
20 |
Dark |
- acquire
- Cockatrice Side Quest
- Dropped by Ash Wyrm
Orochi (2H) |
72 |
20 |
Dark |
Disable |
- bazaar
- Serpent Blade (15,200 gil)
- Cancer Gem x3
- Coeurl Whisker x2
- Sickle-Blade x2
Sakura-Saezuri (2H) |
56 |
20 |
Dark |
- acquire
- Dropped by Midgardsormr
Yagyu Darkblade (2H) |
80 |
20 |
Dark |
- acquire
- Dropped by Bombshell
⇓ |
atk⇓ |
mgk⇓ |
evd⇓ |
MP⇓ |
element⇓ |
bonus⇓ |
Aevis Killer (2H) |
27 |
- acquire
- Dropped by Slaven
Artemis Bow (2H) |
87 |
- bazaar
- Bow of the Moon Goddess (15,800 gil)
- Great Serpent's Fang x2
- Moondust x2
- Sylphi Halcyon
Burning Bow (2H) |
63 |
- acquire
- Dropped by Dive Talon
Elfin Bow (2H) |
45 |
- acquire
- Steal from Malboro
Giant Stonebow (2H) |
57 |
Killer Bow (2H) |
39 |
Longbow (2H) |
33 |
- acquire
- Treasure at The Tomb of Raithwall / Northfall Passage
- bazaar
- Arrows Alight (3,800 gil)
- Crooked Fang x2
- Fire Stone x4
Loxley Bow (2H) |
51 |
- acquire
- Steal from Cultsworn Lich
- bazaar
- Hollow-shaft Arrows (6,280 gil)
- Bat Fang x5
- Water Magicite x3
- Yellow Liquid
Perseus Bow (2H) |
81 |
- acquire
- Dropped by Bug
- bazaar
- Permafrost Bow & Quiver (17,200 gil)
- Antarctic Wind x2
- Ice Crystal x7
- Spiral Incisor x4
Sagittarius (2H) |
93 |
- bazaar
- Silver Bow (60,000 gil)
- Beastlord Horn x3
- Moon Ring x3
- Sagittarius Gem x4
Short Bow (2H) |
17 |
- acquire
- Initially equipped on Fran
Silver Bow (2H) |
22 |
Traitor`s Bow (2H) |
69 |
Yoichi Bow (2H) |
75 |
⇓ |
atk⇓ |
mgk⇓ |
evd⇓ |
MP⇓ |
element⇓ |
bonus⇓ |
Ame-no-Murakumo (2H) |
78 |
5 |
Wind |
- acquire
- Steal from Etherian
- bazaar
- Samurai's Katana (13,800 gil)
- Iron Ore x5
- Screamroot x7
- Water Crystal x9
Kiku-Ichimonji (2H) |
70 |
5 |
Kogaraumaru (2H) |
58 |
5 |
Kotetsu (2H) |
50 |
5 |
- acquire
- Dropped by Werewolf
Magoroku (2H) |
62 |
5 |
- acquire
- Dropped by Wyrdhare
Masamune (2H) |
93 |
5 |
- acquire
- Hunt reward for Battle on the Big Bridge (Rank VII)
- bazaar
- Master-crafted Blade (350,000 gil)
- Gemsteel x2
- Mallet x2
- Orichalcum x3
Muramasa (2H) |
84 |
5 |
- acquire
- Treasure in Pharos
- Steal from Avenger
- Dropped by Crypt Bunny
Murasame (2H) |
66 |
5 |
Water |
- acquire
- Poach from Pyrolisk
Osafune (2H) |
54 |
5 |
- acquire
- Dropped by Urutan Exile
Yakei (2H) |
74 |
5 |
- acquire
- Dropped by Baknamy (empy-handed)
- Dropped by Baknamy (w/ sword)
- Dropped by Baknamy (w/ gun)
⇓ |
atk⇓ |
mgk⇓ |
evd⇓ |
MP⇓ |
element⇓ |
bonus⇓ |
Cherry Staff (2H) |
24 |
8 |
Cloud Staff (2H) |
48 |
8 |
Water |
- acquire
- Dropped by Oversoul
- bazaar
- Mystic Staff (7,200 gil)
- Demon Feather x6
- Quality Lumber x4
- Storm Crystal x7
Flame Staff (2H) |
33 |
8 |
Fire |
- acquire
- Dropped by Dustia
Glacial Staff (2H) |
33 |
8 |
Ice |
- acquire
- Dropped by Baritine Croc
Golden Staff (2H) |
38 |
8 |
- acquire
- Dropped by Oiling
Judicer`s Staff (2H) |
43 |
8 |
Stop |
Oak Staff (2H) |
18 |
8 |
Staff Of The Magi (2H) |
46 |
8 |
- acquire
- Steal from Luxollid
Storm Staff (2H) |
33 |
8 |
Thunder |
- acquire
- Dropped by Pineapple
Wizard`s Staff (2H) |
30 |
8 |
Aero |
Cherry Staff (2H) |
24 |
⇓ |
atk⇓ |
mgk⇓ |
evd⇓ |
MP⇓ |
element⇓ |
bonus⇓ |
Bhuj |
36 |
4 |
- acquire
- Poach from Treant
Bronze Mace |
30 |
4 |
- acquire
- Dropped by Mesmenir
Chaos Mace |
54 |
4 |
Confuse |
- acquire
- Steal from Charybterix
Doom Mace |
60 |
4 |
Doom |
Grand Mace |
72 |
4 |
- acquire
- Hunt reward for Who`s the Strongest?! (Rank VII)
Mace |
24 |
4 |
- acquire
- Steal from Alruane
Miter |
42 |
4 |
Water |
- acquire
- Steal from Rain Dancer
Thorned Mace |
48 |
4 |
Poison |
- acquire
- Dropped by Malboro King
Zeus Mace |
66 |
4 |
- acquire
- Hunt reward for The Child Snatcher (Rank VII)
- Dropped by Mimeo
- Dropped by Minibug
⇓ |
atk⇓ |
mgk⇓ |
evd⇓ |
MP⇓ |
element⇓ |
bonus⇓ |
Broadaxe |
59 |
6 |
- acquire
- Dropped by Tallow
Francisca |
89 |
6 |
- acquire
- Dropped by Cerberus
- Dropped by Mimeo
- bazaar
- War Axe (10,350 gil)
- Malboro Fruit x4
- Pointed Horn x2
- Wind Magicite x6
Golden Axe |
110 |
6 |
- acquire
- Steal from Reaver
- Steal from High Reaver
- Dropped by Reaver
- bazaar
- Golden Battle Axe (16,200 gil)
- Broken Greataxe x2
- Electrum x2
- Mardu Halcyon
Greataxe |
101 |
6 |
- acquire
- Dropped by Gemhorn
Handaxe |
47 |
6 |
Slasher |
71 |
6 |
⇓ |
atk⇓ |
mgk⇓ |
evd⇓ |
MP⇓ |
element⇓ |
bonus⇓ |
Hammerhead |
83 |
6 |
- acquire
- Dropped by Gorgimera
Iron Hammer |
53 |
2 |
- acquire
- Steal from Hybrid Gator
Morning Star |
95 |
2 |
Scorpion Tail |
119 |
2 |
- bazaar
- The Scorpion (60,000 gil)
- Charged Gizzard x3
- Scorpio Gem x4
- Wyrm Bone x3
Sledgehammer |
77 |
2 |
Disable |
- acquire
- Dropped by Humbaba
War Hammer |
65 |
2 |
- acquire
- Dropped by Tyranorox
⇓ |
atk⇓ |
mgk⇓ |
evd⇓ |
MP⇓ |
element⇓ |
bonus⇓ |
Caldera |
75 |
- acquire
- Dropped by Cataract Aevis
- bazaar
- Befuddling Incendiaries (17,800 gil)
- Bomb Shell x4
- Book of Orgain-Cent x3
- Fire Crystal x7
Fumarole |
58 |
- acquire
- Steal from Archaeosaur
- bazaar
- Noisome Incendiaries (9,800 gil)
- Bomb Shell
- Fire Crystal x3
Hornito |
50 |
- acquire
- treasure at Dalmasca Estersand / Broken Sands
- Dropped by Emperor Aevis
Tumulus |
66 |
- bazaar
- Oil-Soaked Incendiaries (10,625 gil)
- Bomb Ashes x3
- Book of Orgain x2
- Fire Crystal x3
Volcano |
85 |
- acquire
- Hunt reward for Paying for the Past (Rank VI)
⇓ |
atk⇓ |
mgk⇓ |
evd⇓ |
MP⇓ |
element⇓ |
bonus⇓ |
Battle Bamboo (2H) |
39 |
25 |
Cypress Pole (2H) |
33 |
25 |
Earth |
- bazaar
- Wooden Pole (1,800 gil)
- Bone Fragment x5
- Earth Stone x4
- Succulent Fruit x3
Eight-Fluted Pole (2H) |
88 |
25 |
Gokuu Pole (2H) |
63 |
25 |
Iron Pole (2H) |
51 |
25 |
Slow |
- bazaar
- Iron-forged Pole (4,780 gil)
- Demon Eyeball x3
- Fire Magicite x4
- Sturdy Bone x5
Ivory Pole (2H) |
75 |
25 |
- acquire
- Dropped by Etem
- bazaar
- Elegant Pole (12,150 gil)
- Blood-darkened Bone x8
- Demon Feather x6
- Wind Crystal x7
Musk Stick (2H) |
45 |
25 |
- acquire
- Dropped by Great Malboro
Oaken Pole (2H) |
27 |
25 |
- acquire
- Dropped by Specter
Six-Fluted Pole (2H) |
57 |
25 |
Sweep (2H) |
81 |
25 |
- acquire
- Dropped by Glaring Eye
Whale Whisker (2H) |
108 |
25 |
- bazaar
- Whisker of the Beast (60,000 gil)
- Aquarius Gem x4
- Corpse Fly x3
- Mythril x3
Zephyr Pole (2H) |
69 |
25 |
Wind |
- acquire
- Poach from Bandercoeurl